

来源:化学加网      2022-03-01




· 1980.9–1984.7 天津师范大学物理系 学士

· 1984.9–1987.7 天津师范大学物理系 硕士

· 1991.9–1994.12 中国科学院生物物理研究所 生物物理学博士



· 1987.8–1991.8 天津师范大学物理系 讲师

· 1995.11995.4  美国匹兹堡大学 博士后

· 1995.51997.9  美国佐治亚大学 博士后

· 1997.102002.7 美国佐治亚大学 助理教授

· 2002.8 2006.9 美国佐治亚大学 副教授

· 2006.102013.4 中国科学院生物物理研究所“百人计划”研究员

· 2013.5–今 上海科技大学 iHuman研究所 教授,执行所长

· 2021.1–今 上海科技大学 大道书院 院长



      2006年从美国全职回国工作,曾任中国科学院生物物理研究所“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师2012年百人计划终期评估为优秀)。作为首席科学家主持科技部“973” 和“863”重大研究项目、基金委重点和面上项目等。主要研究方向为人类疾病相关重要蛋白质结构与功能研究和基于结构的药物设计。已在Cell, Nature, Immunity, Nat Stru Mole BiolCell Research, PNASSCI期刊发表研究论文160余篇。获得癌症化疗靶点相关国家专利一项。2012年成为享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,同年获药明康德生命化学研究奖。2013年5月调入上海科技大学与Ray Stevens共同创建iHuman研究所并先后任副所长和执行所长,生命科学与技术学院教授。获得上海市自然科学奖一等奖、上海市领军人才、上海市劳动模范、上海市科技精英提名奖、中国科学院大学最佳导师称号。现任中国生物物理学会副理事长,中国晶体学会常务理事,上海生物物理学会副理事长,国际生物结晶组织IOBCr理事、亚洲晶体学会理事,国际专业杂志JMB及IUCr J 编委。



· 2005: “UGA Career Centre Award” for contributing to the career development of UGA students;

· 2008: 中国科学院生物物理研究所“东胜创新学者”;

· 2011: 享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家;

· 2012: 中国科学院“百人计划”终期评估优秀;

· 2012:第六届药明康德生命化学研究奖;

· 2015:上海科技大学最佳员工;

· 2016:上海科技大学最佳员工;

· 2016:上海科技大学学生最喜爱的导师;

· 2017:中国科学院大学最佳导师;

· 2018:上海市科技精英提名奖;

· 2019:上海市领军人才;

· 2020:上海市劳动模范;

· 2021:上海市自然科学奖一等奖。



· JMB杂志编委

· IUCr J杂志编委

· 亚洲晶体学会理事 (AsCA)

· 国际生物结晶组织理事(IOBCr)

· 中国生物物理学会副理事长

· 上海市生物物理学会副理事长

· 中国晶体学会常务理事

· 南开大学客座教授

· 美国佐治亚大学客座教授

· 昆明医科大学客座教授

近年发表的主要学术论文: (*Corresponding authors)


1) Zhou Y,Daver H, Trapkov B, Wu L, Wu M, Harpsoe K,  Gentry P, Liu K, Larionova M, Liu J, Chen N, Brauner-Osborne H*, Gloriam D*, Hua T*, Liu ZJ*. Molecular insights into ligand recognition and G protein coupling of the neuromodulatory orphan receptor GPR139. Cell Res, 2021 Dec 17;32:210–213. Doi: 10.1038/s41422-021-00591-w

2) Wang X, Liu D, Shen L, Li F, Li Y, Yang L, Xu T, Tao H, Yao D, Wu L, Hirata K, Bohn L, Makriyannis A, Liu X, Hua T*, Liu ZJ*, Wang J*. A Genetically Encoded F-19 NMR Probe Reveals the Allosteric Modulation Mechanism of Cannabinoid Receptor 1. J Am Chem Soc. 2021 Oct 1;143(40):16320-16325. doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c06847.

3) L., Shen, X., Li, J., Liu, K., Liu, Z-J., Liu* and T. Hua* (2021) Protocol for Crystal Structure Determination of the Antagonist Bound Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB2. STAR Protocols, 2021 Jun 7;2(2):100584.

4) K., Liu, L., Shen, M., Wu, Z-J., Liu* and T. Hua* (2021) Structural insights into the activation of chemokine receptor CXCR2. FEBS J. 2021 Apr 9. doi: 10.1111/febs.15865.


5) K., Li, L., Wu, S., Yuan, M., Wu, Y., Xu, Q., Sun, S., Li, S., Zhao, T., Hua*, Z-J., Liu* (2020) Structure basis of CXC chemokine receptor 2 activation and signaling. Nature, 585(7823): 135-140.

6) T., Hua#, *, X., Li#, L., Wu#, C., Tsoutsouvas, Y., Wang, M., Wu, L., Shen, C., Johnston, S., Nikas, F., Song, X., Song, S., Yuan, Q., Sun, Y., Wu, S., Jiang, T., Grim, O., Benchama, E., Stahl, N., Zvonok, S., Zhao, L., Bohn, A., Makriyannis,  Z-J., Liu* (2020) Activation and Signaling Mechanism Revealed by Cannabinoid Receptor-Gi Complex Structures. Cell, 180(4):655-665.


7) X. Li, T. Hua, K. Vemuri, S. J. Ho, Y. Wu, L. Wu, P. Popov, O. Benchama, N. Zvonok, K. Locke, L. Qu, GW. Han, M. Iyer, R. Cinar, N. Coffey, J. Wang, M., Wu, V. Katritch, S. Zhao, G. Kunos, L. Bohn, A. Makriyannis, R Stevens, Liu ZJ* (2019) Crystal Structure of the Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB2. Cell 176(3), 459-467.


8) Y. Peng, J, McCorvy, K, Harpsøe, K Lansu, S Yuan, P Popov, L Qu, M Pu, T Che, L Nikolajsen, X Huang, Y Wu, L Shen, W E. Yoshimoto, K Ding, D Wacker, G Han, J Cheng, V Katritch, A A. Jensen, M. Hanson, S Zhao, D E. Gloriam, B L. Roth*, R C. Stevens*, Liu ZJ*, (2018) The Studies of 5-HT2C Receptor Reveal the Structural Basis of GPCR Polypharmacology. Cell, 172(4):719-730.


9) T. Hua, K. Vemuri, S. Nikas, R. Laprairie, Y. Wu, L. Qu, M. Pu, A. Korde, S. Jiang, J.H. Ho, GW. Han, D. Ding, X. Li, H. Liu, S. M. Hanson, S. Zhao*, L. Bohn*, A. Makriyannis*, R Stevens. Liu ZJ* (2017) Crystal Structure of agonist-bound Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1. Nature, 547 (7664): 468-471

10) Song G, Yang D, Wang Y, Graaf C.D, Zhou Q, Jiang S, Liu K, Cai X, Dai A, Lin G, Liu D, Wu F, Wu Y, Zhao S, Ye L, Han G.W, Lau J, Wu B, Hanson M.A, Liu ZJ*, Wang M.W*, and Steven R.C* (2017) Human GLP-1 receptor transmembrane domain structure in complex with allosteric modulators, Nature, 546(7657):312-315.


11) T. Hua, K. Vemuri, M. Pu, L. Qu, GW. Han, Y. Wu, S. Zhao, W. Shui, S. Li, A. Korde, R. Laprairie, E. Stahl, J. Ho, N. Zvonok, H. Zhou, I. Kurareva, B. Wu, Q. Zhao, M. Hanson, L. Bohn*, A. Makriyannis*, R. Stevens*, Liu ZJ* (2016) Crystal Structure of the Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1. Cell, 167(3):750-762.


发表的其它学术论文: (*Corresponding authors)


12) Duan W, Sun Y, Wu M, Zhang Z, Zhang T, Wang H, Li F, Yang L, Xu Y, Liu ZJ, Hua T*, Nie H*, Cheng J*. Carbon-silicon switch led to the discovery of novel synthetic cannabinoids with therapeutic effects in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Eur J Med Chem. 2021 Dec 15;226:113878. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113878

13) Larionova MD, Wu L, Eremeeva EV, Natashin PV, Gulnov DV, Nemtseva EV, Liu, D Liu ZJ*, Vysotski ES*. Crystal structure of semisynthetic obelin-v. Protein Sci. 2021 Nov 29; 31(2):454-469. doi: 10.1002/pro.4244

14) Hu T, Zheng G, Xue D, Zhao S, Li F, Zhou F, Zhao F, Xie L, Tian C, Hua T, Zhao S, Xu Y, Zhong G, Liu ZJ, Makriyannis A, Stevens RC, Tao H*. Rational Remodeling of Atypical Scaffolds for the Design of Photoswitchable Cannabinoid Receptor Tools. J Med Chem. 2021 Sep 3. doi: 10.1021/acs.

15) Amporndanai K, Meng X, Shang W, Jin Z, Rogers M, Zhao Y, Rao Z, Liu ZJ, Yang H*, Zhang L*, O'Neill PM*, Samar Hasnain S*. Inhibition mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 main protease by ebselen and its derivatives. Nat Commun. 2021 May 24;12(1):3061. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23313-7.

16) Jiang S, Iliopoulos-Tsoutsouvas C, Tong F, Brust CA, Keenan CM, Raghav JG, Hua T, Wu S, Ho JH, Wu Y, Grim TW, Zvonok N, Thakur GA, Liu ZJ, Sharkey KA, Bohn LM, Nikas SP*, Makriyannis A*. Novel Functionalized Cannabinoid Receptor Probes: Development of Exceptionally Potent Agonists. J Med Chem. 2021 Apr 8;64(7):3870-3884. doi: 10.1021/acs.

17) Song X, Shi Y, Ding W, Niu T, Sun L, Tan Y, Chen Y, Shi J, Xiong Q, Huang X, Xiao S, Zhu Y, Cheng C, Fu ZF, Liu ZJ*, Peng G*. Cryo-EM analysis of the HCoV-229E spike glycoprotein reveals dynamic prefusion conformational changes. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 8;12(1):141. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20401-y.


18) Zhang J, Qu L, Wu L, Tang X, Luo F, Xu W, Xu Y, Liu ZJ*, Hua T*. Structural insights into the activation initiation of full-length mGlu1. Protein Cell. 2020 Dec 5;12(8):662-667. doi: 10.1007/s13238-020-00808-5.

19) Li H, Yang J, Tian C, Diao M, Wang Q, Zhao S, Li S, Tan F, Hua T, Qin Y, Lin CP, Deska-Gauthier D, Thompson GJ, Zhang Y, Shui W, Liu ZJ, Wang T, Zhong G*. Organized cannabinoid receptor distribution in neurons revealed by super-resolution fluorescence imaging. Nat Commun. 2020 Nov 11;11(1):5699. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19510-5.

20) Li X, Shen L, Hua T*, Liu ZJ*. Structural and Functional Insights into Cannabinoid Receptors. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2020 Sep;41(9):665-677. doi: 10.1016/j.tips.2020.06.010.

21) Wang J, Hua T*, Liu ZJ*. Structural features of activated GPCR signaling complexes. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2020 Aug;63:82-89. doi: 10.1016/j.sbi.

22) Gao X, Dong X, Li X, Liu ZJ*, Liu H*, Haiguang(1). Prediction of disulfide bond engineering sites using a machine learning method. Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 25;10(1):10330. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67230-z.

23) Zhang B, Zhao S, Yang D, Wu Y, Xin Y, Cao H, Huang XP, Cai X, Sun W, Ye N, Xu Y, Peng Y, Zhao S, Liu ZJ, Zhong G, Wang M, Shui W. A novel G protein-biased and subtype-selective agonist for a G protein-coupled receptor discovered from screening herbal extracts. ACS Cent Sci. 2020 May 4;6(5):823-824. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00448.

24) Wang Q*, Wu L, Wang H, Gao Y, Liu Q, Mu A, Ji W, Yan L, Zhu Y, Zhu C, Fang F, Yang X, Huang Y, Gao H, Liu F, Ge J, Sun Q, Yang X, Xu W, Liu ZJ, Yang H, Lou Z, Jiang B, Guddt L, Gong P*, Rao Z*. Structural Basis for RNA Replication by the SARS-CoV-2 Polymerase. Cell. 2020 May 22; 182(2):417-428.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.05.034.

25) Gao Y, Yan L, Huang Y, Liu F, Zhao Y, Cao L, Wang T, Sun Q, Ming Z, Zhang L, Ge J, Zheng L, Zhang Y, Wang H, Zhu Y, Zhu C, Hu T, Hua T, Zhang B, Yang X, Li J, Yang H, Liu ZJ, Xu W, Guddat LW, Wang Q, Lou Z*, Rao Z *. Structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from COVID-19 virus. Science, 2020 Apr 10;368(6492), 779-782. doi: 10.1126/science.abb7498

26) Wang J, Wu M, Wu L, Xu Y, Li F, Wu Y, Popov P, Wang L, Bai F, Zhao S, Liu ZJ, Hua T*. The structural study of mutation-induced inactivation of human muscarinic receptor M4. IUCrJ. 2020 Feb 22;7(Pt 2):294-305. doi: 10.1107/S2052252520000597.


27) B. Zhang, J. Li*, X Yang, L. Wu, J Zhang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhao, L. Zhang, X. Yang, X. Yang, X. Cheng, ZJ Liu, B. Jiang, H. Jiang, L. W. Guddat, H. Yang*, Z. Rao* (2019) Crystal Structures of Membrane Transporter MmpL3, an Anti-TB Drug Target, Cell, 2019 Jan 24;176(3):636-648.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.01.003.

28) Laprairie RB, Vemuri K, Stahl EL, Korde A, Ho JH, Grim TW, Hua T, Wu Y, Stevens RC, Liu ZJ, Makriyannis A, Bohn LM*. (2019) Probing the CB1 cannabinoid receptor binding pocket with AM6538, a high-affinity irreversible antagonist, Mole Pharmacology, 2019 Sep 12;96(5):619-628. doi: 10.1124/mol.119.116483.

29) Ma P, Xu H, Li J, Lu F, Ma F, Wang S, Xiong H, Wang W, Buratto D, Zonta F, Wang N, Liu K, Hua T, Liu ZJ, Yang G, Lerner RA. Functionality-Independent DNA Encoding of Complex Natural Products. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2019 Jul 1;58(27):9254-9261. doi: 10.1002/anie.

30) Zhou Q, Yang D, Wu M, Guo Y, Guo W, Zhong L, Cai X, Dai A, Jang W, Shakhnovich EI, Liu ZJ, Stevens RC, Lambert NA, Babu MM, Wang MW, Zhao S. Common activation mechanism of class A GPCRs. Elife. 2019 Dec 19;8:e50279. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50279. 

31) Claff T, Yu J, Blais V, Patel N, Martin C, Wu L, Han GW, Holleran BJ, Van der Poorten O, White KL, Hanson MA, Sarret P, Gendron L, Cherezov V, Katritch V, Ballet S, Liu ZJ, Müller CE, Stevens RC. Elucidating the active δ-opioid receptor crystal structure with peptide and small-molecule agonists. Sci Adv. 2019 Nov 27;5(11):eaax9115. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax9115.

32) Chen X, Xu Y, Qu L, Wu L, Han GW, Guo Y, Wu Y, Zhou Q, Sun Q, Chu C, Yang J, Yang L, Wang Q, Yuan S, Wang L, Hu T, Tao H, Sun Y, Song Y, Hu L, Liu ZJ, Stevens RC, Zhao S, Wu D, Zhong G. Molecular Mechanism for Ligand Recognition and Subtype Selectivity of α2C Adrenergic Receptor. Cell Rep. 2019 Dec 3;29(10):2936-2943.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.

33) Qu L, Zhou Q, Xu Y, Guo Y, Chen X, Yao D, Han GW, Liu ZJ, Stevens RC, Zhong G, Wu D, Zhao S. Structural Basis of the Diversity of Adrenergic Receptors. Cell Rep. 2019 Dec 3;29(10):2929-2935.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.

34) Song X, Shan H, Zhu Y, Hu S, Xue L, Chen Y, Ding W, Niu T, Gu J, Ouyang S, Shen QT, Liu ZJ. Self-capping of nucleoprotein filaments protects the Newcastle disease virus genome. Elife. 2019 Jul 10;8:e45057. doi: 10.7554/eLife.

35) Xue D, Xu T, Wang H, Wu M, Yuan Y, Wang W, Tan Q, Zhao F, Zhou F, Hu T, Jiang Z, Liu ZJ, Zhao S, Liu D, Wüthrich K, Tao H. Disulfide-Containing Detergents (DCDs) for the Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins. Chemistry. 2019 Sep 6;25(50):11635-11640. doi: 10.1002/chem.

36) Wu M, Sun L, Zhou Q, Peng Y, Liu Z, Zhao S*. J Chem Inf Model. 2019 May 14;59(5):2374-2382. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.8b00975.

37) Xue D, Wang J, Song X, Wang W, Hu T, Ye L, Liu Y, Zhou Q, Zhou F, Jiang ZX, Liu ZJ*, Tao H*. A Chemical Strategy for Amphiphile Replacement in Membrane Protein Research. Langmuir. 2019 Mar 26;35(12):4319-4327. doi: 10.1021/acs.


38) Chan HCS, Wang J, Palczewski K, Filipek S, Vogel H*, Liu ZJ*, Yuan S*. Exploring a new ligand binding site of G protein-coupled receptors. Chem Sci. 2018 Jul 13;9(31):6480-6489. doi: 10.1039/c8sc01680a.

39) Qu L, Jiang Y, Cheng C, Wu D, Meng B, Chen Z, Zhu Y, Shaw N, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ*. Crystal Structure of ATP-Bound Human ABCF1 Demonstrates a Unique Conformation of ABC Proteins. Structure. 2018 Sep 4;26(9):1259-1265.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2018.05.019.

40) Qin S, Meng M, Yang D, Bai W, Lu Y, Peng Y, Song G, Wu Y, Zhou Q, Zhao S, Huang X, McCorvy JD, Cai X, Dai A, Roth BL, Hanson MA, Liu ZJ, Wang MW, Stevens RC, Shui W. High-throughput identification of G protein-coupled receptor modulators through affinity mass spectrometry screening. Chem Sci. 2018 Feb 20;9(12):3192-3199. doi: 10.1039/c7sc04698g.

41) Peng Y, Zhao S, Wu Y, Cao H, Xu Y, Liu X, Shui W, Cheng J, Zhao S, Shen L, Ma J, Quinn RJ, Stevens RC, Zhong G*, Liu ZJ*. Identification of natural products as novel ligands for the human 5-HT2C receptor. Biophys Rep. 2018;4(1):50-61. doi: 10.1007/s41048-018-0047-1.

42) Popov P, Peng Y, Shen L, Stevens RC, Cherezov V, Liu ZJ, Katritch V. Computational design of thermostabilizing point mutations for G protein-coupled receptors. Elife. 2018 Jun 21;7:e34729. doi: 10.7554/eLife.34729.

43) Pu M, Xu Z, Peng Y, Hou Y, Liu D, Wang Y, Liu H*, Song G*, Liu ZJ*. Protein crystal quality oriented disulfide bond engineering. Protein Cell. 2018 Jul;9(7):659-663. doi: 10.1007/s13238-017-0482-7. 


44) H. C. Chan, J. Wang, K. Palczewski, S. Filipek, H. Vogel*, Liu ZJ*, S. Yuan* (2017) Exploring a new ligand binding site of G proteincoupled receptors. Chem. Sci, 9, 6480-6489.

45) X., Song, H., Shan, Y., Zhu, S., Hu, L., Xue, Y., Chen, W., Ding, T., Niu, J., Gu, S., Ouyang*, Q., Shen*, Z-J Liu* (2019) Self-capping of nucleoprotein filaments protects Newcastle Disease Virus genome. eLIFE, 8:e45057.

46) Chen T, Shen HM, Deng ZY, Yang ZZ, Zhao RL, Wang L, Feng ZP, Liu C, Li WH, Liu ZJ*. A herbal formula, SYKT, reverses doxorubicininduced myelosuppression and cardiotoxicity by inhibiting ROSmediated apoptosis. Mol Med Rep. 2017 Apr;15(4):2057-2066. doi: 10.3892/mmr. 2017. 6272. 

47) Pan G, Gao X, Fan K, Liu J, Meng B, Gao J, Wang B, Zhang C, Han H, Ai G, Chen Y, Wu D*, Liu ZJ*, Yang K*. Structure and Function of a C-C Bond Cleaving Oxygenase in Atypical Angucycline Biosynthesis. ACS Chem Biol. 2017 Jan 20;12(1): 142-152. doi: 10.1021 /acschembio.6b00621.

48) Jiang Y, Zhu Y, Qiu W, Liu YJ, Cheng G, Liu ZJ*, Ouyang S*. Erratum to: Structural and functional analyses of human DDX41 DEAD domain. Protein Cell. 2017 Feb;8(2):155-157. doi: 10.1007/s13238-016-0361-7. Erratum for: Protein Cell. 

49) Jiang Y, Zhu Y, Qiu W, Liu YJ, Cheng G, Liu ZJ*, Ouyang S*. Structural and functional analyses of human DDX41 DEAD domain. Protein Cell. 2017 Jan;8(1):72-76. doi: 10.1007/s13238-016-0351-9. 


50) Li J, Rodriguez JP, Niu F, Pu M, Wang J, Hung LW, Shao Q, Zhu Y, Ding W, Liu Y, Da Y, Yao Z, Yang J, Zhao Y, Wei GH, Cheng G, Liu ZJ, Ouyang S*. Structural basis for DNA recognition by STAT6. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A(PNAS) 2016 Nov 15;113(46): 13015-13020. doi: 10.1073 /pnas.1611228113.

51) A. Batyuk, L Galli, A Ishchenko, G W Han, C Gati, P Popov, M Lee, T. White, A Barty, A Aquila, M Hunter, M Liang, S Boutet, M Pu, Liu ZJ, G Nelson, D James, C Li, Y Zhao, J Spence, W Liu, P Fromme, V Katritch, U Weierstall, R Stevens, V Cherezov* (2016) Native Phasing of X-ray Free Electron Laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor. Science Advances, 2(9), Vol e1600292.

52) Lv X, Liu J, Shi Q, Tan Q, Wu D, Skinner J, Walker A, Katritch V, Liu ZJ, Stevens R* (2016) In vitro expression and analysis of the 826 human G protein-coupled receptors. Protein Cell, 7(5):325-37.

53) Chu Y, Zhu Y, Chen Y, Li W, Zhang Z, Liu D, Wang T, Ma J, Deng H, Liu ZJ, Ouyang S, Huang L. aKMT Catalyzes Extensive Protein Lysine Methylation in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus but is Dispensable for the Growth of the Organism. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016 Sep;15(9):2908-23. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M115.057778.

54) Burakova LP, Natashin PV, Malikova NP, Niu F, Pu M, Vysotski ES, Liu ZJ*, (2016) All Ca2+-binding loops of light-sensitive ctenophore photoprotein berovin bind magnesium ions: The spatial structure of Mg2+-loaded apo-berovin. J Photochem Photobiol B. 154:57-66.

55) Jiang Y, Jiang H, Zhou S, Meng B, Liu ZJ*, Ouyang S.*, (2016) Crystal structure of hGEF-H1 PH domain provides insight into incapability in phosphoinositide binding. BBRC. 471(4):621-627.

56) Jiang Y, Zhu Y, Liu ZJ*, Ouyang S.* (2016) The emerging roles of the DDX41 protein in immunity and diseases. Protein Cell. 8(2): 83–89.

57) Ni X, Ru H, Ma F, Zhao L, Shaw N, Feng Y, Ding W, Gong W, Wang Q, Ouyang S*, Cheng G*, Liu ZJ*. (2016) New insights into the structural basis of DNA recognition by HINa and HINb domain of IFI16. J Mol Cell Biol, (1):51-61.

58) Yang LY, Liu XF, Yang Y, Yang LL, Liu KW, Tang YB, Zhang M, Tan MJ, Cheng SM, Xu YC, Yang HY, Liu ZJ, Song GJ*, Huang W*. (2016) Biochemical features of the adhesion G protein-coupled receptor CD97 related to its auto-proteolysis and HeLa cell attachment activities. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 38(1): 56–68.


59) Liu B, Ouyang S, Makarova K, Xia Q, Zhu Y, Li Z, Guo L, Koonin E, Liu ZJ*, Huang L*. (2015) A primase subunit essential for efficient primer synthesis by an archaeal eukaryal-type primase. Nat Commun. 6: 7300.

60) Xia F, Li X, Wang B, Gong P, Xiao F, Yang M, Zhang L, Song J, Hu L, Cheng M, Sun C, Feng X, Lei L, Ouyang S, Liu ZJ, Li X, Gu J, Han W. Combination Therapy of LysGH15 and Apigenin as a New Strategy for Treating Pneumonia Caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2015 Oct 16;82(1):87-94. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02581-15. 

61) Cheng C, Gu J, Su J, Ding W, Yin J, Liang W, Yu X, Ma J, Wang PG, Xiao Z, Liu ZJ. Crystallization, preliminary X-ray crystallographic and cryo-electron microscopy analysis of a bifunctional enzyme fucokinase/L-fucose-1-P-guanylyltransferase from Bacteroides fragilis. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2014 Sep; 70(Pt 9): 1206-10.doi: 10.1107 / S2053230X14012722.


62) J. Gu, Y. Feng, X. Feng, C. Sun, L. Lei, W. Ding, F. Niu, L. Jiao, M. Yang, Y. Li, X. Liu, J. Song, Z. Cui, D. Han, C. Du, Y. Yang, S. Ouyang*, Liu ZJ*, W. Han*, (2014) Structural and Biochemical Characterization Reveals LysGH15 as an Unprecedented "EF-Hand-Like" Calcium-Binding Phage Lysin, PLOS Pathogens, 10(5) e1004109.

63) Jiao L, Ouyang S, Shaw N, Song G, Feng Y, Niu F, Qiu W, Zhu H, Hung LW, Zuo X, Shtykova E, Zhu P, Dong YH, Xu R*, Liu ZJ*. (2014) Mechanism of the Rpn13-induced activation of Uch37. Protein Cell, 5(8):616-30.

64) Ntashin PV, Markova SV, Lee J, Vysotski ES, Liu ZJ* (2014) Crystal structures of the F88Y obelin mutant before and after bioluminescence provide molecular insight into spectral tuning among hydromedusan photoproteins. FEBS J. 281(5):1432-45.

65) Ntashin PV, Ding W, Eremeeva EV, Markova SV, Lee J, Vysotski ES, Liu ZJ*, (2014) Structures of the Ca(2+)-regulated photoprotein obelin Y138F mutant before and after bioluminescence support the catalytic function of a water molecule in the reaction. Acta Cryst. D, 70(Pt3):720-32.

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1. "The Structure of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase: Crystallographic Structure Determination and Description of the structure", Crystallography Seminar, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, GA, Dec. 7, 1995,

2. "Crystal Structure of Class 3 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase at 2.6Å Resolution." Annual Meeting on Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, SD, July 8 (1996).

3. "The Crystal Structure of class 3 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase: Don't Throw away that old X-100 Data", Siemens Area Detector Users Group meeting, Athens, GA, April 17-19, 1997

4. “Refined Crystal Structure of Bacteriophage T7 RNA Polymerase”, American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, DC, July 23 (1998).

5.  “Recent results using sulfur, selenium, and iron single wavelength anomalous scattering data in protein structure determination”, ISAS Workshop 2000, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, April 18 (2000).

6. “Recent results using sulfur, selenium, and iron single wavelength anomalous scattering data in protein structure determination”, Middle Atlantic Crystallography Annual Meeting, West Virginia, May 5 (2000).

7. “Crystal Structure of the Calcium-Regulated Photoprotein Obelin solved at 1.1 Å”, Tthe 11th international symposium on bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, Monterey, CA, Sept, 7 (2000).

8. “Sulfur SAS Phasing: Theory and Practical Aspects” Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, Pittsburg, PA, October 28, 2000.

9. “Practical Aspects of Sulfur SAS Phasing: Case Studies I: S-SAD of Insulin (in-house data) S-SAD of Obelin (synchrotron data)”, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Workshop, Grenoble, France, June 24, 2001.

10.  “Practical Aspects of Sulfur ISAS Phasing”, ISAS Workshop, ACA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July 21, 2001.

11. “Southeast Collaboratory for Structural Genomics: Current and Future”, Beckman Chinese-American Scientific Symposium, Irvine, CA, Novber, 2002

12. “Practical Aspects of Sulfur SAS Phasing”, CCP4 Workshop, York, UK, January 2003

13. “Crystal Structure Determination Using In-House Chromium X-Ray Source”, American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, July 23, 2003.

14. “Crystal Salvaging Effort at SECSG”, Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop, NIH, Bethesda, Md, March 29-31, 2004.

15. “Practical Aspects of Sulfur SAS Phasing”, 10th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules, Beijing, China, June 5-8, 2004.

16. “A Multi-Data-Set Data Collection Strategy Using Dose Derived Exposures for Optimum Data Acquisition ”, American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, July 17-22, 2004.

17. Structural and Functional Analysis of Human p100 Protein”, The 4th Congress of Biophysical Society of China, Qingdao, May, 2006.

18. “Human Liver Structural Proteomics in China”, The 4th International Conference on Structural Genomics, Beijing, Oct, 2006.

19. Structural and Functional Analysis of Human p100 Protein”, The 9th International Biology and Synchrotron Radiation Conference, Manchester, Aug, 2007.

20. Bioinformatics-guided Target Selection in Human Liver Structural Proteomics Project”, The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics, HK, Aug, 2007.

21. Structural Genomics and its Impact on Structural and Systems Biology in China”, New Challenges in the Life Sciences: Prioritzing European Research in molecular System Biology, Florence, Oct, 2007.

22. “(NZ)CH…O Contacts Assisted Crystallization”, Asia Crystallography Associate Conference, Taipei, Nov, 2007.

23. Multifunctional transcriptional co-activator p100 is involved in splicing: functional and structural basis”, The 6th TICPS International Conference, Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2007.

24.  “Crystal structure of coelenterazine-binding protein from Renilla muelleri at 1.72 Å”, The 15th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, Shanghai, May 13-17, 2008.

25. “A Structural genomics approach in elucidating the Endo-b-N-acetylglycosaminidase A from Arthrobacter protophormiae”, Uk-China and Chair Symposia, Liverpool, Sept. 25-26, 2008.

26. “Methylation Assisted Crystallization of Protein Molecules”, College of Sciences, Nankai University, March. 6, 2009.

27. “Methylation Assisted Crystallization of Macromolecules”, 6th Annual SER-CAT Symposium at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, March. 20, 2009.

28. “Excitation coupling in bioluminescence: combined X-ray and NMR determination of the clytin-GFP topology”, The 11th Congress of Biophysical Society of China, Guilin, China, July 15, 2009.

29. “Data Collection and Structure Analysis”, Cutting-edge methods and techniques in protein research: a workshop for scientists from developing countries, Beijing, China, July 16, 2009.

30. 3D Structure of 5,10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (MTHFS) and its application in anti-cancer drugs”, The 199th Yang Scientist Symposium for drug target discovery, Nanjing, China, Sept. 12, 2009.

31. “Structural basis for the inhibition of human 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (MTHFS) by N10-substituted folate analogues”, China-Israel Binational Symposium: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Drug DesignChangzhou, China, Mar. 1, 2010.

32. “Structural and Functional Analysis of Calcium Regulated Photoproteins”, PhotoBiology & PhotoBiophysics SymposiumGuiyang, China, Aug. 9, 2010.

33. How Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Shanghai Aid the Structural Biology Research”, The 160th Eastern Forum of Science & TechnologyShanghai, China, Sept. 16-17, 2010.

34. “Introduction to Macromolecular Structures”, EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course: Structural and Biophysical Methods for Biological Macromolecules in Solution, Institute of High Energy Physics, China, April 28, 2011.

35.  “Recent practice on sulfur SAD phasing using soft X-rays”, Workshop on Soft X-ray CrystallographyChicago, US, May 4, 2011.

36. “Structural basis of energy transfer in bioluminescent system of jellyfish Clytia and GFP complex”, Nankai-UK Joint Meeting on Membrane Protein Structure and FunctionNankai University, China, May 11, 2011.

37.  “Protein-protein complexes in bioluminescence”, The 17th International Biophysics CongressBeijing, China, November 8, 2011.

38. “The Evaluation of Sulfur’s Anomalous Signal in Diffraction Data and Beyond”, 4th Winter School on Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular CrystallographyGrenoble, France, February 8, 2012.

39. “Introduction to Macromolecular Structures”, Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russia, March 1, 2012.

40. “Protein Crystallography and its Applications”, Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russia, March 2, 2012.

41. “New Tools for S-SAD Phasing”, ACA Annual Meeting, Boston, US, July 31, 2012.

42. “Sulfur-SAD applications: data collection and phasing”, International Workshop on New Developments of Methods and Software for Protein Crystallography, Xi’an, China, August 24, 2012.

43. “Structural and functional analysis of the innate immune signaling adaptor protein STING and its potential for drug discovery”, A Joint Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA), 
Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ) and the BRAGG Symposium, Adelaide, AUS, Dec. 4, 2012.

44. “Structural and functional analysis of viro infection and innate immune signaling and structure based drug discovery”, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Jan. 10, 2013.

45. “Mission of iHuman Institute”, 2013 Frontier of Global Bio-Phamaceutical Research, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS), Shanghai, Sept. 24, 2013.

46. “The influence of XFEL on structural biology of protein complex and membrane proteins”, The 474 Xiangshan Scientific Symposium, Nanchang, Oct. 26-27, 2013.

47. “Project 826–The Complete GPCR Library”, First Annual Shanghai GPCR Forum, Shanghai, Dec. 1, 2013

48. “GPCR Research at iHuman Institute”, Shanghai Structural Biology Networking Symposium, Shanghai, Jun. 8, 2014.

49. “The Feasibility of Sulfur Phasing with XFEL”, LCLS-II Scientific Opportunities Workshop, Stanford University, Feb. 10-11, 2015.

50. “Structural and functional studies of Human GPCRs - Tool development”, The 12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, Aug. 22, 2015.

51.  “Structure of Serotonin (5-HT) Receptor – a Case Study of GPCR Crystal Engineering”, Third Annual Shanghai GPCR Forum, Suzhou, Dec. 5, 2015.

52. “Structure and function of Human GPCRs”, Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, Huntsville, AL, Mar. 10, 2016.

53.  “Structural and functional studies of Human GPCRs - Tool development”, Biomembranes 2016, MIPT, Moscow, Sept. 29, 2016.

54.  “Structural Biology Methodology Development and Native Sulfur Phasing with XFEL”, The 2nd User Symposium on X-Ray Free Electron Laser, Shanghai, Nov. 22, 2016.

55. “Structural Biology Methodology Development for GPCR Studies”, The 6th Chinese Crystallography Society Congress, Guangzhou, Dec. 20, 2016.

56. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, The SIBS Cell Biology Forum, Shanghai, Jan. 12, 2017.

57. “Structural Biology Methodology Development and Crystal Structure of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Actelion Pharmaceutical Ltd, Basel, Mar. 20, 2017.

58. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, Suzhou, May 16, 2017.

59. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, July 11, 2017.

60. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Eli Lilly, Shanghai, July 27, 2017.

61. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Cross-Disciplinary Protein Science Meeting, Guangzhou, Sept. 23, 2017.

62. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Annual User Meeting of National Protein Science (Shanghai), Shanghai, Nov. 8, 2017.

63. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, SIAIS BioForum, Shanghai, Nov. 15, 2017.

64. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Annual Meeting of State Key Lab of Medicinal Chemical Biology, Nankai university, Tianjin, Nov. 18, 2017.

65. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Science Conference, Xiamen, Nov. 23, 2017.

66. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, Fujian Normal University, Fu Zhou, Nov. 24, 2017.

67. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, The 3rd Annual Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drug Abuse Conference, Boston, Aug. 3, 2018.

68.  “The Structural Basis of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Polypharmacology”, The 3rd Annual Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drug Abuse Conference, Boston, Aug. 3, 2018.

69. “Structural Biology Study of Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB1”, 2018 Queenstown Molecular Biology Meetings, Shanghai, March 22, 2018.

70. “Structural Basis of Molecular Modulation of Human Cannabinoid Receptors”, The 17th Biophysical Society Congress, Tianjin, Aug. 3, 2019.

71. “Structural Basis of Molecular Modulation of Human Cannabinoid Receptors”, The 7th Cross Displanery Protein Science Research Forum, Ha’erbin, Aug. 4, 2019.



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